Your assignment is to create that home page. You can use any class photo you like (yours or someone else's), and you can get the links from our class roster.
Make sure your home page fits on a single 1,024 x 768 screen without scrolling.
I encourage you to help each other out on this assignment, but, by "help" I don't mean to get someone to do it for you so you can get credit. I mean to get them to teach you how to do it so you can do it yourself in the future. I hope we all learn from each other this semester! For this assignment, you can use any image editing or page layout tools you are familiar with. For all other assignments, you should use only a text editor.
When you have it done, print out the home page and HTML source to turn in and put a link to it on your Assignments page so we can check it out. We will vote for the best one, and use it as our class home page.
Here are a couple of past winners:
Note that the people's faces were hot links to their home pages in the following two examples: