Structured/unstructured documents

This assignment illustrates the difference between structured and unstructured composite documents.

We will create two compiled documents, one structured (a relational database) the other unstructured (a wiki page). The topic of both is the same -- the best classes we have taken at CSUDH. You can begin with whichever you wish, but, at the end, both must have the same information.

The database is at:
and the wiki page is at

Add a description of your favorite CSUDH class to both the database and the wiki page. The description should include the class ID and name, the professor's name, a brief description of the class and a statement as to why it was important for you. You should also state how difficult the class was -- Do agree with the statement that this class took a lot of time and work? (Answer strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree).

Print copies of both of your finished online entries and turn them in.

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