We will create two compiled documents, one structured (a relational database) the other unstructured (a wiki page). The topic of both is the same -- the best classes we have taken at CSUDH. You can begin with whichever you wish, but, at the end, both must have the same information.
The database is at:
http://creator.zoho.com/lpress/best-classes/#View:Class_Viewand the wiki page is at
Add a description of your favorite CSUDH class to both the database and the wiki page. The description should include the class ID and name, the professor's name, a brief description of the class and a statement as to why it was important for you. You should also state how difficult the class was -- Do agree with the statement that this class took a lot of time and work? (Answer strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree).
Print copies of both of your finished online entries and turn them in.