Frame tags and selected attributes

Beware: various versions of Netscape and Internet Explorer handle the frame attributes differently. Check your page with every browser your users may have.
<frameset>              define a collection of frames or framesets

cols                    sets the number and widths of the columns
rows                    sets the number and heights of the rows
border                  sets the width of the borders around frames
bordercolor             sets the color of the borders around the frames

<frame>                 define a frame within a frameset

marginheight = "n"      vertical margin in pixels
marginwidth = "n"       horizontal margin in pixels
src = "URL"             initial content for the frame
name                    name which identifies the frame
scrolling = yes/no/auto scroll bars on, off, or determined automatically
noresize                frame cannot be resized
bordercolor             sets the color of the borders around the frame

reserved target names

_blank                  load document in a new, unnamed window
_self                   load it in  the same frame as the link is in
_parent                 load it in the frame hierarchically above the link
_top                    load it in the full windows containing the frame

<noframes>              treatment for non-frame web clients

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