If you have Microsoft Access, begin by getting our roster application running on your home development system. Once it is working, transfer it to your directory on sws.csudh.edu.
Add a social security field to the student record. Turn in a listing of your new ASP script and a listing of the new file.
Next, modify the validity checking portion of the application. When the user enters a new record, it currently gives the same error message: "Values are required for each field," regardless of which field or fields are left blank. Modify the script that displays that error message so that it checks each field individually, and tells the user which one was left blank.
When the modified application is working, print a screen shot showing a test error message, and turn that in along with a listing of the modified script.
You can copy the six script files from our documentation, and Right click to save a copy of the database file, roster_cis.mdb.
You will save time if you can debug these changes on your home development system, then FTP them to the server. To debug locally, you must have Microsoft Access installed on your computer. If you do not, you will have to do the debugging on the server.