
Page source

<html> <head> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { font-family: Verdana } --> </style> <title>Write new record</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <b>Values are required for each field.</b><p> <FORM ACTION="roster_view.asp" METHOD="post"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Return To Roster"> </INPUT></FORM> <FORM ACTION="new_student.asp" METHOD="post"><p> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Add a new student"></INPUT> </FORM> </body> </html>

Script listing

<html> <head> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { font-family: Verdana } --> </style> <title>Write new record</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <% ' If the user enters a complete record, this script adds it to ' the database and evokes roster_view ' If there is missing data, it displays an error message and ' buttons for evoking either roster_view or new_student. ' Get field values from the form variables dim fn, mn, ln, eml, url fn = Request.form ("FirstName") ln = Request.form ("LastName") eml = Request.form ("Email") url = Request.form ("URL") ' Check for a complete form If (fn="" or ln="" or eml="" or url ="") then 'missing data response.write ("<b>Values are required for each field.</b> <p>") response.write ("<FORM ACTION=""roster_view.asp"" METHOD=""post"">") response.write ("<INPUT TYPE=""submit"" VALUE=""Return To Roster""></INPUT></FORM>") response.write ("<FORM ACTION=""new_student.asp"" METHOD=""post""><p>") response.write ("<INPUT TYPE=""submit"" VALUE=""Add a new student""></INPUT></FORM>") else ' values entered for each field, write the new record ' Create and establish data connection called "DataConn" Dim DataConn Set DataConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") DataConn.Mode = 3 '3 = adModeReadWrite DataConn.ConnectionTimeout = 5 DataConn.CommandTimeout = 12 DataConn.Open Session.Value("DBOpen") ' Write the record to the database dim cmdInsert cmdInsert = "INSERT INTO Roster_CIS (FirstName,LastName,Email,URL)" dim cmdValues cmdValues = "values ('" & fn & "','" & ln & "','" & eml & "','" & url & "')" cmdInsert = cmdInsert & cmdValues DataConn.Execute cmdInsert ' return connection memory DataConn.Close Set DataConn = Nothing Response.Redirect("roster_view.asp")' transition to roster_view end if %> </body> </html>

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