CIS 496, Internship Guidelines

The student shall devote ten hours per week for one semester on useful, technical, information technology work at a commercial, government or academic entity.

The student shall be supervised by an IS Department faculty member (faculty mentor) and by a responsible employee of the entity (entity mentor) where the work is being done.

The student must submit a proposal outlining their learning objectives and the means of achieving them during the internship. This proposal must be approved by the entity mentor, the faculty mentor and the Chairman of the IS Department before the student is allowed to enroll in CIS 496.

The student will interact with the entity mentor continuously and with the faculty mentor periodically, including the submission of regular progress reports or blog posts.

The student must submit a substantive final report detailing the work that was accomplished during the internship. The faculty mentor will evaluate such reports and assign a grade of "credit" or "non-credit" for the course.

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