CIS 272 Background Survey

Your name:

Your e-mail address:

How frequently do you usually read your e-mail?

  1. Weekly
  2. Several times per week
  3. Daily
  4. Several times per day
Your Web page address (URL), if any:

Your major:

Do you know how to download music on the Internet?

Do you know how to download software on the Internet?

Do you know how to install new programs on a PC?

Do you have a PC at home or a portable computer that you can use for this class?

Will you need a Windows XP upgrade?

Will you need Visual Studio.NET?

We will learn programming skills and concepts in this class. How many hours per week do you think you will have to spend reading and programming?

Which of these statements are true?

  1. I have done no programming.
  2. We did a little programming in a computer literacy class I took, but it was not a full programming class.
  3. I have taken a VB class
  4. I have written a program using VB 6.
  5. I have written a program using VB.NET
  6. I have taken a programming class using a different language.
  7. I have experimented with programming on my own.
Which of these statements best describes your expectation for the class?
  1. I am nervous about this class -- I don't know if I can learn programming.
  2. I think it will take a lot of work, but I am confident that I can learn to program
  3. I expect the class to be pretty easy
  4. I already know a lot of the material, so it will be very easy.
If none of the above sounds right, how would you describe your background?

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