Ground rules for assignments

Each assignment has a due date. Assignments are due at the start of your class on that day.

All assignments should be printed, not hand written.

You are encouraged to work together on assignments as long as there is no free loading. If two or more people do an assignment together, only turn in one copy with each name on it.

You do not have to put a cover page on an assignment -- just type your name(s), assignment title and assignment number on the first page of the assignment.

Many assignments have multiple parts. In that case, staple all the parts together, and turn them in as a unit. Do not turn in partial assignments -- I will just turn them back for completion.

Do not staple two or more assignments together even if they are all due on the same date.

If you got an assignment back without credit, and were asked to fix some problem, turn in the entire assignment after it is corrected and write "correction" on the front page.

When you turn them in, make one pile for each assignment. Make a separate pile for assignments that are being turned in late and for corrections.

You get full credit for an assignment that is done correctly and is on time. If an assignment is late or requires correction, you will get half credit when it is completed correctly.

Late assignments must be turned in by the last day of class -- the week before finals.

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