Translating English to Geek

  1. English: The user interface has two buttons.

    Geek: Two of the objects in the user interface are instances of the class Button.

  2. English: The line at the top of the form says "Generalized payroll program with a combo box and validity checking".

    Geek: The value of the Text property of the form is "Generalized payroll program with a combo box and validity checking".

  3. English: One button says "Calculate Pay".

    Geek: The value of the Text property of one of the buttons is "Calculate Pay".

  4. English: The form is turquoise.

    Geek: The value of the BackgroundColor property of the form is turquoise.

  5. English: The buttons are orange.

    Geek: The values of the BackgroundColor property of both buttons is orange.

  6. English: The object that says "Stop" is a Button.

    Geek: The object with a Text property value of "Stop" is an instance of the class Button.

  7. English: The letters are all black.

    Geek: The value of the ForeGroundColor of every object in the user interface is Black.

  8. English: It says "Payroll with Variable Tax Rate" in the middle of the top of the form.

    Geek: The value of the Text property of the label in the middle of the top of the form is "Payroll with Variable Tax Rate".

  9. English: The initial tax rate is zero.

    Geek: The initial value of the Text property of the ComboBox is "0".

  10. English: The button on the left says "Greet".

    Geek: The value of the Text property of btnGreet is "Greet".

  11. English: The other button says "Clear".

    Geek: The value of the Text property of btnClear is "Clear".

  12. English: The area used for output is blank to start with.

    Geek: The initial value of the Text property of txtOut is "".

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