Numeric expressions

This assignment will test your ability to use numeric expressions with user input.

First, read and study our notes on Numeric expressions using constants, Numeric expressions using variables , and User input with numeric variables.

The event handler for our program for adding two numbers was 9 lines long:

Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click

  ' Declare the variables
  Dim intIn1 As Integer
  Dim intIn2 As Integer
  Dim intTotal As Integer

  ' Assign user input to variables
  intIn1 = CInt(txtIn1.Text)
  intIn2 = CInt(txtIn2.Text)

  intTotal = intIn1 + intIn2   'Calculate the total
  lblOut.Text = CStr(intTotal) 'Display the result

End Sub

There are many ways to write a program that does a given task. Your assignment is to write a new version of the event handler so that it uses the Text properties of txtIn1 and txtIn2 instead of variables.

Print the new event handler and turn it in along with a screen shot of your program adding 131.7 and 421.2 and explain why the program got the answer it did.

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