
This assignment tests your ability to write programs that display images. It also reinforces the idea of images as a data type.

Write a program like our image assignment program, but use two (or more) neat pictures you find on the Internet.

Note that for the demo program to work, the images einstein.jpg and magimini.jpg must be on a floppy disk in drive A.

You can download images you find on the Web by right clicking on them, and entering the location you want to save them on your computer. If you have trouble finding images you like, go to a search engine like Google and search for images. (Don't forget to click on the "images" tab before you search).

Note that my program does not have a border around the PictureBox, and it automatically resizes, depending upon the size of the image. To achieve that I had to set the sizeMode value of the PictureBox.

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