External specification

This assignment tests your ability to plan a simple program.

I need a program to help me figure out grades on an exam. I want to type in an exam score, and have the computer tell me what grade to assign, curving them as follows:

A: 90-100%
B: 80-90%
C: 60-80%
D: 50-60%
F: below 50%
Assume that the maximum score on the exam is 120 points.

Prepare a written external specification for the program as you imagine it working when it is complete. Be sure to include a drawing or printout of the user interface, showing the appearance and placement of the various objects. List the events (user actions in this case) the program must handle, and state what the program should do in the case of each of them.

Be sure your specification is clear and unambiguous so that another person, a programmer, can take it and write a program that does exactly what you imagine it doing.

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