Text input

This assignment tests your ability to use TextBoxes for input and output and your understanding of string expressions and data types.

Read and study our notes on using a TextBox for input and output and string expressions. You might warm up by writing the greeting program illustrated in the note on using a TextBox for input and output, but you do not have to turn that one in.

When you thoroughly understand string expressions and the way TextBoxes are used for input and output, write a program that does the same thing as this insult program. Print a screen shot of the running program, and turn that in along with a listing of your event handlers.

Note that when the user begins to enter a new word, the TextBox clears itself. (Look at the list of events a TextBox can respond to in order to determine which event handler clears the TextBox). Also note the TabIndex order for my program, and set yours the same.

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