Character versus graphical user interface

The first computers used batch operating systems, in which the computer ran batches of jobs without stop, and a professional operator, not the user, interacted with the computer.

These began to be replaced by time-shared operating systems during the 1960s. The user interacted directly with the computer via a printing terminal with a continuous roll of paper. Programs had character or command-line user interfaces, in which the user typed responses to prompts or typed commands.

The now familiar graphical user interface (GUI), was developed in research labs during the 1970s. The Apple Macintosh, the first affordable mass-market computer with a GUI, was introduced in 1984. Microsoft followed with their Windows operating system.

These graphical payroll and character payroll programs illustrate the difference.

Both programs have the same function, but the character-oriented version controls the flow of the interaction. The user can only respond to prompts from the program. With the GUI version, the user controls the flow of the interaction, entering either amount or clicking either button whenever he or she chooses. For this reason, these are also referred to as event-driven user interfaces.

GUI programs are more complex than character-oriented programs, but modern software development systems like Visual Studio.NET make the task relatively easy.

Most users prefer and are used to GUIs, but experienced users can often work faster with character-oriented interface. Someone studying CIS or another technical field should become familiar with character-oriented user interfaces. Learning to use DOS or Linux is a good place to begin.

The programs we write in this class will all have GUIs.

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