
Which of the following is/are true of For...Next statements?
  1. If the initial value is negative and the increment positive, you will have an infinite loop
  2. If the initial value is positive and the increment negative, you will have an infinite loop
  3. If the initial value is negative and the increment positive, you may have an infinite loop
  4. If the initial value is positive and the increment negative, you may have an infinite loop
  5. If the limit is negative and the increment positive, you will have an infinite loop
  6. If the limit is positive and the increment negative, you will have an infinite loop
  7. If the limit is negative and the increment positive, you may have an infinite loop
  8. If the limit is positive and the increment negative, you may have an infinite loop
  9. The test to see if the limit has been reached is done at the start of the loop
  10. The test to see if the limit has been reached is done at the end of the loop
Explain your answers

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