Data types

Which of the following is/are true?
  1. You must assign a numeric value to the Text property of a label
  2. You must assign a boolean value to the Text property of a label
  3. You must assign a fixed point value to the Text property of a label
  4. You must assign a floating point value to the Text property of a label
  5. You must assign a string value to the Text property of a label
  6. You must assign a numeric value to the Visible property of a label
  7. You must assign a boolean value to the Visible property of a label
  8. You must assign a fixed point value to the Visible property of a label
  9. You must assign a floating point value to the Visible property of a label
  10. You must assign a string value to the Visible property of a label
  11. You must assign a numeric value to the Top property of a label
  12. You must assign a boolean value to the Top property of a label
  13. You must assign a fixed point value to the Top property of a label
  14. You must assign a floating point value to the Top property of a label
  15. You must assign a string value to the Top property of a label
  16. None of the above -- you have the flexibility to assign whichever is appropriate for the program you are writing
Explain your answers.

Would it make sense to assign a string value like "hoho" to a numeric property like the Height of a TextBox? Explain your answer.

Is your social security number a numeric value or a text value? Explain your answer.

Is your age a numeric value or a text value? Explain your answer.

Is your telephone number a numeric value or a text value? Explain your answer.

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