Constructing new objects during execution

Refering to the example used in our random number note:
Private rnGenerator As Random = New Random()

Private Sub btn01_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn01.Click
   lbl01.Text = CStr(rnGenerator.NextDouble)
End Sub

Private Sub btn510_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn510.Click
   lbl510.Text = CStr(rnGenerator.Next(5, 11))
End Sub
Which of the following are true and false?
  1. rnGenerator is a class
  2. rnGenerator is a method
  3. rnGenerator is an object
  4. Random is a class
  5. Random is a method
  6. Random is an object
  7. NextDouble is a class
  8. NextDouble is a method
  9. NextDouble is an object
  10. New is a class
  11. New is a method
  12. New is an object

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