Here is the listing of our program to read and display a file one record at a time:

Private Sub btnList_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnList.Click
'  declare a new StreamReader and Open the file
   Dim nameFile As System.IO.StreamReader
   nameFile = New System.IO.StreamReader("a:/friends.txt")
'  declare other variables
   Dim strIn As String ' a string variable used to hold the records as they are read
   txtOut.Clear()      ' clear the output area
'  loop to read and display the file
   Do Until nameFile.Peek = -1
      strIn = nameFile.ReadLine
      txtOut.AppendText(strIn & vbCrLf)
   txtOut.AppendText("That's all, folks!")
End Sub
Which of the following is/are true?
  1. StreamReader is a nameFile
  2. nameFile is a StreamReader
  3. nameFile is an object
  4. nameFile is a file name
  5. nameFile is a class
  6. nameFile is a method
  7. StreamReader is an object
  8. StreamReader is a file name
  9. StreamReader is a class
  10. StreamReader is a method
  11. A program might have several StreamReaders
  12. A program might have several nameFiles
  13. Peek is a property of StreamReader
  14. Peek is a method of StreamReader
  15. Peek is a property of nameFile
  16. Peek is a method of nameFile

Explain your answers.

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