Create a Web page with two paragraphs separated by a horizontal rule. The paragraphs can say anything you wish.
To create the horizontal rule, use the following HTML:
<hr color = "blue" size="5" width ="100" align = "center" />
Now experiment with the values of the attributes, and change the horizontal rule so that it is that is 20 pixels tall, 300 pixels wide, red, and on the left hand side of the window.
Do a second experiment in which the horizontal rule is the same except that its width is 50% of the window no matter how you resize it. (Be sure to resize the window to see if the horizontal rule resizes correctly).
If you cannot figure out how to do these experiments, check the W3Schools Web site, but do not do the experiments there, do them using Notepad and a browser on your computer.
Print out and turn in the HTML source and the resulting page displayed in a browser window for the original page and for both of your experiments.
Also answer the following questions: