First HTML page

The purpose of this assignment is get you used to the mechanics of creating HTML pages.

For this exercise, you will create an HTML document, but instead of making it available on the Web, you will store it locally. You are to prepare a two paragraph document -- tell about yourself, your job, sports teams -- whatever you want. In addition to making up two paragraphs, put your name in the indicated spot. The marked up document should look like this:

<title>My first HTML document</title>
<h2> put your name here </h2>
<hr />

text of your  first paragraph


text of your second paragraph

Print your document as it appears in the editor and as it appears when viewed using a Web client, and turn in both. Also answer these questions:
  1. What does the <hr /> tag do?
  2. What happens if you leave out the </h2>?
  3. What happens if you accidentally misspell the name of the boldface tag as "bb" instead of "b"?
  4. What happens if you accidentally leave the "<" off of a tag?
  5. Does it matter if tags are in upper case or lower case?
  6. What happens if you leave the </p> tag off the end of a paragraph?

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