Magnetic disk progress

Engineers rapidly refine a technology once a prototype is invented. The first patent for magenetic recording was granted in 1888.

The first commercially available magnetic disk drive was on IBM's 305 RAMAC (Random Access Method of Accounting and Control) computer, shown here.

IBM shipped the RAMAC on September 13, 1956. The disk could store 5 million characters (6 bits each) using both sides of 50 two-foot-diameter disks. A system could have up to four of these drives for a maximum capacity of 30 million characters. Monthly rental started at $2,875 ($3,200 if you wanted a printer) or you could buy a RAMAC for $167,850 or $189,950 with a printer. (A Coke or candy bar cost 5 cents and a nice house $15,000 in 1956). How many mp3 songs would fit on a RAMAC disk drive?

This 12 GB Seagate disk drive is aimed at portable consumer electronics devices like the digital audio players. For example, Seagate manufactures the disk drives used in many of Apple Ipods.

The following are links on the history of disk drives:

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