Photo for your blog

This assignment will familiarize you with some image processing operations.

You are to make a 200 by 200 pixel picture of your face, similar to the photo on my blog.

Since you may have to crop it, start with a high resolution photograph. If you don't have a suitable photo, have someone take your picture.

Adjust the brightness and contrast until it looks good, then crop and resize it to 200 by 200 pixels. Since the final photo will have a 1:1 aspect ratio, be sure to crop it to a square shape before resizing. Be sure to save it in storage and keep track of where you put it.

Print a copy of your photo to turn in.

Next, upload the picture to the Profile section of your blog. You do that by signing in to your Blogger Dashboard and clicking on the Edit Profile link on the left side. You will then be prompted to browse to find the image. (The image must be under 50 kilobytes in size).

If you wish to complete other parts of your profile, do so.

Print a copy of the profile page, with your image on it, to turn in.

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