
We saw that the development system produces an executable file with the extension .exe when you run your program.
  1. Which directory is the executable file placed in?
  2. Is that a source program or an object program?
  3. Could you run that executable on a computer with VS.NET installed?
  4. Could you run that program on a Windows computer with the .NET runtime support installed?
  5. Could you run that program on a Macintosh with the .NET runtime support installed?
  6. Why is it that when you first start a new project, the .bin directory is empty -- it has no .exe file.
  7. Which would execute fastest, a compiled program or an interpreted program?
  8. Can an object program for an Intel 486 run on a Macintosh? Explain your answer.
  9. Name some manufacturers of CPU chips
  10. Name some CPUs

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