Math functions

What is the value of A after this snippet executes?
   Dim A as double
   A = 16
   A = Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt(A))
Which of the following is/are true?
  1. Math is a function of the numeric class
  2. Sqrt is a function of the Math class
  3. Sqrt is a method of the Math class
  4. All methods are functions
  5. All functions are methods
  6. All functions are intrinsic
  7. All methods are intrinsic
  8. All functions return values
  9. All methods return values
  10. All classes return values
  11. Some functions return multiple values
  12. Some methods return multiple values
  13. Some classes return multiple values
  14. All functions have data types
  15. All classes have data types
  16. All methods have data types
  17. All arguments have data types
  18. Some functions have arguments
  19. Some arguments have functions
  20. Some classes have arguments
  21. Some methods have arguments

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